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Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Letter From Loveland

Lately wasn't an easy period for me, but this sentence is so true, I am proud of my heart, which is the engine of my body and soul. It keeps on going, never stopping, and still has hope for the better.

Hope lies everywhere around us. Some of it lies in family,  A lot of it lies in animals which also are family in my eyes, and there is sometimes unexpected hope that comes with friendship.

I must say, this morning was a very annoying, yesterday I managed to lose my briefcase in either the train or the bus. That briefcase had my copy of my diplomas and references and all kinds of important things, I hope and believe that it will find its way back to me. My man was sweet enough to call all the lost and found offices in the area, and we are waiting for them to call us back if they find anything.

Well, I was obviously angry, since I am so tired and this doesn't add to it. I went down to the mail box and found a letter in a red envelope.
It was airmail from the U.S.

I was a bit surprised and curious in the beginning , and I noticed some very nice stamps on the letter:

The letter was addressed to me and my man. It had a big stamp from Loveland , which had a beautiful heart on it. Obviously it was a valentine's  Card. How sweet is that?

The other stamp was also special it had a cowboy figure who sends hearts from his hand to europe on the globe, actually it looks like it's sending it to the Netherlands, and it says:

"Valentine greetings from a city with heart,
 Loveland Colorado, Home of fabulous art! 
Loveland , Colorado 2012"

So nice, isn't it? it was a letter from my dear American Friend Rick Calhoun, who was so creative with this one.  I opened it very quickly and saw that the inside was even better ;)

You're such a Special couple it says inside, and I immediately felt special.

It says:

"There's something special about you two that goes beyond the wonderful individuals you both are...
It's the love you share and the way it extends beyond you...
So on Valentine's it only seems right to say how much it means to be part of your life. Happy Valentine's day."

And in hand writing there was a dedication from Rick:
Best wishes for a glorious forever from your American friend Rick" .

Just wow. a warm feeling was surrounding us as we looked at it together. But that wasn't everything
Inside was a hand written letter. I love that more than anything (How did you know Rick?) , I think that gives a personal touch, and it makes you feel precious, especially in this all so digital age, don't you think?

"Your story is so moving to me that I had to do something special. I haven't sent a valentine's card since I was in school! :D 
The story behind the postmark - I work near Loveland, The city was found in 1877 and named for the president of a railroad A William A.H. Loveland. Too romantic, I know. The city was a large population of artists. particularly sculptures.They have given the city a unique spirit. 
In 1947 the post master started the valentine Re-Mailing program. Each year there is a contest for a verse and artwork. Volunteers hand stamp each envelope, there are about 160,000 each year from all over the world. The city also has over 300 pieces of art displayed publicly big on hearts. If you watch Katie Thompson's Impossible hearts video, you'll see several photos I sent her. I've got more too. 
I hope life gets better and better for you both. May all your dreams come true. Your friend. Rick"

That was just beautiful, right?
And how else than signing off with a big thank you to this dear man, who thought about us and made us happy we got each other.

Here's the video Rick was talking about, from Katie Thompson, a dear artist and friend who shares the Wolfman's pack with me as an indie artist.
The hearts rick was talking about can be found around 00:30 and 03:20 of the video.

Happy Valentine's day all, signing off, the mad scientist :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww, shucks, ma'am. You're too kind. Reading this now has made MY day. I hope you get your briefcase back.
